International customers are welcome in southern France, by Drone-Pictures!

March 27, 2017  •  Laisser un commentaire

Drone-Pictures latest Showreel in 4K on Vimeo


We are happy - and proud! - to be often booked by foreign TV channels and producers for drone shootings in our beautiful Provence! (and even a little further like the Spanish border with ITV!)

This international recognition is not new, although the trend is increasing since a year or so.

In the summer of 2016, there are no fewer than five additional channels that hired our aerial filming services. Among it, the US network NBC for shooting in Marseille harbor, Pertuis and Roque d'Anthéron.

For those reasons we have translated our main pages in english, so you could better understand what we have to offer! It should also be noticed that our team is perfectly bilingual.

Home - Contact - Drones fleet 

Team - Cameras & gears - Fares 

Showreels gallerie  - Aerial Stock Footage


We are particularly keen on vehicle tracking, inevitably moving, such as a coach (ITV), car (20/20), river cruise ship (ARD), a huge liner (NBC), Harleys motorbikes (Hyraw) or cyclists to the assault of Mont-Ventoux (BBC2)!

The relevance of the use of the drone is very high for those cases, and we have compiled the best shots to show you in this video clip: that's what we can do with our birds, when a vehicle is moving, at any speed!

Obviously, these images are only possible with a suitable drone, equipped with the right focal length, and always in dual-operator mode, ie the most experienced as possible. We have now the new Inspire 2 with Raw and ProRes options. Check-out our Drone page!




Our main credentials in foreign productions, all shot in France (many are missing!):


  • Twenty-Twenty / Channel 4 (UK): Beauty-shots of the village and the hotel + follow-up of car in the countryside around Castillon-du-Gard for a new reality show "First Dates Hôtel" Tours in the Gard in September 2016)


  • NBC (USA): Drone sequences of the arrival of the Carnival Vista liner and views of the city from the GPMM, for the series "The Voyager" (episode 12 - Marseille) aired in the fall of 2016 on the American network NBC.


  • ARD (Germany): Drone sequences of the MS Gloria boat cruising on the Rhone, for the series "Verrückt nach Fluss" broadcast in autumn 2016 on the German public channel ARD.


  • ITV / Channel 4 (GB): Drone sequences at the Cerbère bus on the roads, for the reality television series "CoachTrip" broadcast on the English channel Channel 4.


  • NHK (Japan): Drone sequences at the Roseraie Meilland at the Cannet des Maures for a Japanese documentary about perfume.


  • BBC 2 (GB): Drone sequences of the ascension by the British cyclist David Smith of the 3 faces of Mount Ventoux for the documentary of Martin Hollingworth "Dead Man Cycling" broadcast in summer 2015 on the BBC Two.


  • ZDF (Germany): Drone sequences with actors shot at Cap Canaille in Cassis in June 2013 for two TV films "Traumschiff" and "Kreuzfahrt ins Glück" broadcast on the German channel ZDF.


Ecluse de Vaugris - MS Swiss Gloria © Drone-PicturesEcluse de Vaugris - MS Swiss Gloria © Drone-Pictures

ARD drone shooting on Rhone rover


Paquebot arrivant au port de MarseilleTerminal croisière, Port de Marseille (GPMM)

Dimanche 4/09/2016, 6h45: le paquebot Carnival Vista arrive à Marseille avec ses 4000 passagers américains.

La chaîne US NBC nous a choisi pour tourner au drone les séquences "arrivée au port de marseille" et les "beauty shots de la ville" qui seront utilisés dans l'épisode "Marseille" de la nouvelle série documentaire "The Voyager" (diffusion aux USA à partir d'octobre).

Voici 2 plans fait avec notre Inspire Pro - homologué Dgac S3 - équipé de la zenmuse X5 avec le 12mm puis le 25mm (second plan).

NBC drone shooting in Marseille


Castillon-du-Gard village, FranceDescente aérienne à Castillon-du-Gard pour la télévision anglaise Channel4 dans le cadre du tournage drone pour la nouvelle émission de télé-réalité "First dates Hôtel". Channel 4 drone shooting in Catillon-du-Gard, Provence



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